Access for everyone

Access for everyone

Access for everyone

Visitors with disabilities can access the following monuments:

Domus of the ekdikos Georgios – Basilica of Dometius – Small Nympaeum: Visitors with disabilities are kindly requested to contact the guards by the entrance of the site. For visitors with partial or total loss of vision, a special signage in Braille is available.

Odeum and Victory Monument: Visitors with disabilities are kindly requested to contact the Ephorate of Antiquities.

Theater: The Theater is not open for visitors due to ongoing works. By the entrance there are information signs for all, including Braille signs for visitors with total loss of vision. An archaeological guide for the Theater in Braille is available in the Nicopolis Museum, both in Greek and English.

The main entrance, all the halls and facilities of the Nicopolis Museum are accesible for visitors with disabilities.

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